Friday, October 16, 2009

McGill University Officials Speak Out Against Silencing of Pro-Life Presentation


"We have to make a distinction between hate speech and speech we may find hateful," Mendelson said. "Just because someone finds something very disturbing and very problematic does not make something hate speech."

At a meeting of the McGill Senate on Wednesday, Principal Heather Munroe-Blum criticized the protesters for not allowing Ruba to share his opinion freely, saying that the protest had brought a "dark cloud" over the university campus, reports McGill Daily.

"The intimidation of protestors was so significant that students who were involved in the planning of the event were intimidated against continuing with their program," she said. "I see this really as blight in the context of a university that is known worldwide for its academic freedom and freedom of speech. ... I urge them to consider reconvening the event right away."