Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ottawa Pro-Lifers: Sign up for the Pro-Life Vigil Campaign

On February 17th, the 40 Days for Life Campaign will be held in 156 Cities across North America (and a few places elsewhere).

But one of those cities will not be Ottawa. It was felt that the winter weather made it difficult to adequately cover all the hours round the clock.

However, a new (Catholic) Ministry born of previous campaigns, Helpers of God's Precious Infants, now regularly does sidewalk counselling in front of the abortuary. The organizers of 40 Days in Ottawa have decided to focus on giving Helpers prayer support during the days that abortions are committed, that is to say on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

So you are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this Lenten time to register to pray and witness in front of the clinic.

We have to be there for prayer support folks. Please sign up!