Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Korean hospital promotes abortion alternatives

A Catholic hospital in South Korea is urging expectant mothers not to abort babies with congenital diseases because many cases can be cured after birth.

“When they learn that defects can be cured … many parents change their minds and do not abort,” said Agnes Che Je-hee.


Che says her center has succeeded in persuading around 60-70 couples not to abort their babies since it opened on March 23, 2009.


Perhaps the pro-life movement in North America should investigate more closely what doctors tell the mothers of fetuses who have been diagnosed with a genetic defect. My impression is that a lot of doctors are quite content to do these abortions.

Perhaps consent laws should make it obligatory for doctors practicing in this field to be as thorough as possible about choices, including possible palliative care for babies with life-threatening conditions.