Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Thousands of Women Forcibly Sterilized in Uzbekistan


TASHKENT, May 4, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – When doctors told a 28 year-old Uzbek woman that she had been sterilized after her first pregnancy without her knowledge or consent by government order, her husband left her. “Not a day passes without me crying,” said Gulbahor Zavidova. “I was outraged when I found out what they had done. How could they do such a horrible thing without asking me?”


The Times report told the story of Hidojat Muminova, a 26-year-old cotton picker who said that doctors tricked her into agreeing to surgery, during which she was sterilized.

“They scared me into believing I needed an urgent operation,” she said. “I was surprised as I’d never had any pain but I was worried and agreed to the surgery. When it was over they told me they’d performed a sterilization. I could not stop crying. They tricked me and treated me like an animal.”

If they're doing that, I can't believe they're not doing forced abortions, either. Or that it's not on the agenda.