Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Epitomizing what is wrong with the Church in Quebec

So I was poking around on the internet when I came across this Quebec magazine called "Presence".

If you noticed the title of the upcoming December 2010 issue, it says:

"L'avortement intelligent"

Translation: Intelligent abortion.

I decided to see who was behind this magazine. So I clicked on the "organization" page. The people on the masthead were unfamiliar to me, but the partners were not. They consisted of:

The Sisters of Notre-Dame
Dominican Fathers
The Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary
The Congregation of the Holy Cross
The Sisters of Saint Anne
The Sisters of the Holy Cross

The link list includes such liberal Catholic outfits as spiritualite2000.com and Culture et Foi.

If you look at some of the past titles of issues:

Unionism and social justice
Art and Taboos
Liberation theology

They interviewed an advocate for women's ordination.

All this leads me to believe that this upcoming issue of a so-called Catholic magazine, partnered with Catholic orders, will be less than pro-life.

And no one will raise a single protest in Quebec.

I wouldn't care so much if these were just individuals putting out a magazine. I'm upset that they list Catholic Orders as partners. 

Catholic Orders have no business partnering with such enterprises.

But I suspect nothing will happen. Business as usual.

This is why there is so little fight against abortion in Canada, folks. The people who should be most against it are not, and in fact are complicit in promoting it.

You know, the Pope has called for a synod on the New Evangelization, to bring non-believers back to the faith.

To tell you the truth, before we start doing that, maybe we should think of evangelizing the Church first, especially the clergy, the religious and the church bureaucracy.