Saturday, October 23, 2010

Prayer and Action Fastion Item for Monday

Received by email. Passing this along...

John Pacheco has called for a day of fasting and prayer this Monday. (and you thought I'd ask you to write a letter!)

The Canadian bishops will be talking about Development and Peace at 11:45am on Monday, at their annual plenary session, in Cornwall, Ontario. Pro-lifers have been waiting a long time to hear the bishops speak definitively on why -

1. Development and Peace is giving money to fund 47 pro-abortion groups in the Third World?



2. why Development and Peace money is being used to obtain a Federal Court injunction Sept. 12 to block an access (via an access to information request by lifesitenews) to information request for the names and funding levels regarding its nearly 200 partner organizations in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia?

(see write up in Catholic Register- )

If you have a chance (in between fasting and praying), please send John a note of encouragement, and solidarity at-

So far, there is just three people joining me. And I do hate to fast and pray alone.

This is a VERY critical moment in the Catholic church in Canada. Let's pray our wonderful bishops over to the pro-life side!