Friday, February 25, 2011

Another abortionist caught dealing drugs

Says the Sun Sentinel:
Among those charged with racketeering and drug trafficking in Wednesday's pain clinic raids is Dr. Zvi Harry Perper, son of Broward Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Joshua Perper, who is among the leaders of the region's ongoing battle with prescription drug abuse.

Authorities say Dr. Zvi Harry Perper, 49, ranked 22nd in the nation among medical practitioners in ordering oxycodone, which he dispensed at the pain clinic where he worked, Delray Pain Management.

According to, Dr. Zvi Harry Perper:

was the killer on duty at the EPOC clinic in Orlando in 1995 when Baby Rowan was born alive and left to die. He was disciplined for performing a botched abortion in 2003

Christina Dunigan says:

Rowan's mother, Angele, reported that the place was filthy, speckled with old blood, and staffed by callous, uncaring people.

Sound familiar?

But under NO CONDITION must abortion clinic regualations be legislated or enforced.[/sarcasm]