Tuesday, March 08, 2011

How Raymond Gravel will mark the International Day Against Homophobia

On May 15th, while Quebec pro-lifers will be holding a conference to stop the slaughter of unborn children, Father Raymond Gravel will be marking the International Day Against Homophobia by celebrating a Eucharistic Mass at the notoriously pro-homosexual Catholic parish St. Pierre Apôtre in Montréal.

Yes, he will be offering the sacrifice of Our Lord in honour of the very evil that crucified Him.

Way to go, Fr. Gravel.

And I know what some of you are thinking: don't you think hatred against homosexuals is abominable?

Of course it is. But this is not just about the acceptance of homosexual people.

It's about the acceptance of the homosexual sin.

You know, sin, the thing that was ultimately responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?

We really should write the Vatican. This is nuts. Nobody in the Quebec Church is going to stop him or say anything. Just like last year when he celebrated a Mass in honour of Gay Pride.

No wonder he thinks what he's doing is okay. Nobody in Quebec acts like it's not okay.