Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Throw contraception at it! (Not)

And all our problems will be solved!

Um no. From a study abstract:

Little is known about people's willingness to engage in sex without protection from unwanted pregnancy. This study surveyed 1,497 women and men at 75 clinics and physician offices across California after their reproductive health care visits in late 2007 and early 2008. When asked if they would have sex without contraception, 30% said definitively that yes, they would have unprotected sex, and 20% indicated they would "sometimes" or "maybe" engage in unprotected sex.

And if you think this is just a guy thing, or a teen thing, think again:

Age, gender, parity, and relationship status were not significant in multivariate models.

I find it amazing that people who say that people will want to have sex anyway, so just let them, don't understand this basic principle:

A considerable proportion of women and men may be willing to have unprotected sex, even with access to subsidized contraceptive services and even when recently counseled about birth control. The dominant behavioral models of contraceptive use need to acknowledge the widespread likelihood of occasional unprotected sex, even among people motivated to usually use contraceptives

Here's the truth folks:

People don't like using contraception.

It's a pain.

Besides the issue of effort and expense, contraception sends out a message of distrust, like:

I don't trust you're clean (in the case of condoms)


I don't trust that we're going to be around long enough to take care of kids


I don't trust in your (our?) ability to raise children (which undermine the masculine self-image).


Contraception has a lot of negative implicit messages.

Which is among the reasons why people forego using it in spite of it being almost universally acknowledged to essential in preventing undesired pregnancy.

BUT in spite of all this, the researchers conclude:

Findings underscore the need to make contraceptive methods accessible, easy to use, and even pleasurable.

They're already accessible, but let's make them more accessible so that...what, they continue to ignore it?

And pleasurable? That's a bit of a joke.

The more pleasurable you make contraceptives, the more sex one will have, the more one increases the likelihood of contraceptive failure among the whole population-- among regular users and non.

And that will result in more abortions, on a collective scale.