Thursday, May 19, 2011

Do women and men consider abortion as an alternative to contraception in the United States?

I'm posting this abstract of a study published by the Guttmacher institute FYI, because the sample is so small, I wonder why they even bothered to publish it. Still it could be of interest:

The USA, a country with widespread access to the full range of modern methods of contraception, continues to have one of the highest abortion rates among developed countries. Forty-nine per cent of women reported ever experiencing an unintended pregnancy in 2001; 48% of these conceptions occurred during a month that contraception was used. We explored the extent to which people use contraception and abortion interchangeably to achieve their fertility goals via focus groups (n=4) and semi-structured in-depth interviews (IDIs) (n=18) with men and women between the ages of 18 and 35 in New York City in 2006. While there was a consensus that abortion cannot replace contraceptive use, poor couple communication, lack of planning, lack of acceptable contraceptive methods and the pleasures that people associate with having unprotected sex result in the perception that some individuals rely on abortion over contraception to prevent unintended births. Men and women both identified women as solely in charge of avoiding an unwanted pregnancy and resolving it should one occur. No one supported repeat abortions for themselves or others, and many respondents perceived multiple abortions to lead to infertility, which strengthens their position that substituting abortion for contraception is unacceptable.

I note that the abstract does not appear to answer the question raised in the title.