Friday, May 20, 2011

Interesting angle on the Linda Gibbons case

Gay Caswell is a former Saskatchewan MLA in Grant Devine's government who is trying to run an independent Catholic school in the northern part of the province. She has received nothing but grief for trying to stand for Catholic values.

Once you wrap your head about what she's talking about (as I believe this blog is published for the intent of those knowledgeable about her situation) you find that she has some very interesting insights.

And this is one of them:

Courts went ahead and tried her when she could not make the court hearings. A letter stated that a specific lawyer did not represent her was sent to the court. This letter was mysteriously “ lost.” Although the violation is a civil issue she has been tried in criminal court and obviously has had very stiff sentences. She has served the combined sentence of about three murders in the North, not counting the murders that are dismissed as suicides no matter how impossible.

Mrs. Gibbons is not well educated as in many degrees. She certainly isn’t rich and is poorer than many poor people. She is not well many times. Rather than these things being taken into consideration her lack of academic clout, poverty and illness are used against her. The Left- Libs who have always claimed to be custodians of human rights and defenders of the little guy have now become the flagrant, vicious bullies who sneer at those who suffer for righteousness’ sake.

Mrs. Gibbons’ case is going to the Supreme Court in the fall. The Ontario court system has done everything possible to stop that process. For years Mrs. Gibbons was unknown. Some so called prolifers found her commitment an embarrassment. They thought if word gets out that some people actually suffer to save babies how will we fill our committees? Now even the CBC has discovered Linda Gibbons and stated her treatment is
“ a challenge to free speech in Canada.”