Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The insanity of militant secularists

MONTREAL — A new Quebec government policy prohibiting religious instruction in subsidized daycares contravenes the federal and provincial charters of rights, a group of parents claims in a legal action filed Tuesday.


Danielle Sabbah, president of an association of 17 Jewish daycares in Quebec, said the policy is so vague that it will be impossible for daycare workers to know when they’ve crossed the line.

She said the director of a Catholic daycare has been informed by bureaucrats that the popular song Au clair de la lune can be sung as long as the final line — Pour l’amour de Dieu (For the love of God) — is dropped.

But who didn't see this coming?

When you accept government money, you lose your freedom. That's exactly what statists want. Statists do not understand freedom.