Sunday, July 17, 2011

Brian Lilley on Tim Hudak's Alleged Desire to Defund Abortion

He says:

Here’s how I see this playing out.

1. Dalton McGuinty will use this as an issue.

2. Hudak will run away from it and claim that he has no plans to defund abortion.

3. McGuinty will keep pushing that Hudak plans to defund abortion and preach to the dutiful media how awful this is.

4. McGuinty will continue to receive the backing of the Ontario English Catholic Teacher’s Association and plenty of high profile members of Ontario’s Catholic establishment. No one will claim that any of this is a mixing of religion and politics. He will also continue to receive Communion at Mass.

5. Pointing out that one nominally Catholic leader (Hudak) was once pro-life and while the other nominally Catholic leader (McGunty) is a cheerleader for taxpayer funded abortion up until the 9th month will be regarded as bad manners and an unnecessary mixing of religion and politics.

I am waiting to be proven wrong on this.

I don't think McGuinty will use this as an issue, as he does not want to touch it with a ten foot poll. His underlings and supporters, however, will use it and see how much traction they will get out of it, which is to say, not a heck of a lot outside of the punditry circles. Hudak will cave. McGuinty will continue to receive Communion at Mass. It will hardly be a blip on the campaign trail as most voters are not typically turned on by this issue, and even if abortion were defunded, most people wouldn't care anyway.