Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Emergency Contraception Has Not Achieved Its Abortion Reduction Potential"

You mean contraception has not reduced the number of abortions? Gee, where have we heard that before?

From an abstract:

Emergency contraception (EC) has not achieved its abortion reduction potential in the United States in part due to nonuse. Understanding use behaviors may increase EC promotion.


Interviews were conducted with 30 EC users aged 18-35 years. Interviews were analyzed for salient themes using ATLAS/ti. We used an analytical framework including personal context (life circumstances motivating pregnancy prevention), contraceptive context (knowledge, attitudes and experience), sexual context (planned/unplanned intercourse) and relationship context.


Our sample was primarily college-educated, nulliparous, single women. EC users were motivated to prevent pregnancy, but unwilling or unable to use contraceptive methods due to ambivalence, fear, limited access or difficulty with use. Favorable attitudes toward EC, desire to defer pregnancy, infrequent intercourse, partner support of EC and relationship instability facilitated EC use.


EC fills an important gap in preventing pregnancy for motivated women who struggle with contraceptive use. Contextual factors informed women's EC behaviors.

In other words, people don't like using contraception or they can't or don't want to use it properly.

Nobody could've predicted that!

And does it ever occur to anyone that EC might be a bit of a rip off?

The average woman can conceive during five days in her cycle, give or take.

If intercourse does not occur on one of those five days, then EC is a rip off. Big Pharma made money off of your fear, not an actual event (in most cases).

If women actually tracked their fertility, they might save themselves the trouble. Of course they won't because that would require effort.

And if there's one thing our sexual culture rejects, it's effort.

Contraception. 2011 Sep;84(3):266-72. Epub 2011 Mar 24.
Sexual, relationship, contraceptive and personal factors influencing emergency contraception use: a qualitative study.
Neustadt A, Holmquist S, Davis S, Gilliam M.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA