Saturday, June 02, 2012

The New Catholic Journal

Is a new website/community for Catholic writers who want to publish faith-based writings.

They're looking to raise some money to pay for the cost of the website.


The New Catholic Journal website will be dedicated to serving Christ by bringing the fullness of Catholic truth to the masses. Our vision is to create an online community where Catholics of all ages can publish their faith-based writings in an authentically Catholic environment.

We will also provide many incentives for visitors to return such as current Catholic news (in partnership with an international faith-based news site), a humour section, because God knows we need a good laugh from time to time, liturgy of the saints, inspirational stories and much more!

We believe that we can create not only a community for the Universal Church, but an educational resource for religious and lay alike; a website that possesses a rich diversity of categories that will interest people of all ages.

Authorship will only be granted to applicants that meet our screening criteria and all entries must reflect genuine Catholic teachings, have no Diocesan affiliation and be original content. Any applicant that does not fit our pre-determined screening criteria will be denied the privilege of authorship, and any material that is submitted and deemed unfit will be returned to the author and remain unpublished.

The beauty for the authors of the New Catholic Journal will be a reciprocal relationship in which they can provide content in exchange for a direct link to their site. We receive relevant content and they receive targeted visitors :)