Sunday, August 05, 2012

3D Ultrasounds are so passé: Welcome to 3d models of your fetus

3D Model of fetus
Not cheap though:
The Japanese engineering firm Fasotec is teaming up with Tokyo's Parkside Hiroo Ladies Clinic to offer expecting mothers 3D-printed models of their gestating bundles of joy," reports io9. (...)
The company is calling the service "Shape of an Angel" and will cost parents-to-be the equivalent of $1280 Cnd.

Someday, instead of offering women a grainy ultrasound of their unborn child, we'll offer them a fetal model. The sidewalk counseling potential is awesome.

I think it would be really awesome to show my kids a model of what they looked like when they lived in mummy's tummy. Fabulous educational potential, too.

H/T: ProWomanProLife