Saturday, June 01, 2013

Misoprostol: Feminists Can't Make Up Their Minds

Seen at Real Choice:
The tightening of abortion laws in many Mexican states has abortion advocates up in arms.These laws allow for prosecution of the women who abort their own babies. This raises the question of what, if any, penalties women should face in the US if they kill their unborn children once legal protection is again in place. One strange aspect of the abortion agitators' outrage in Mexico is that women who get hold of Misoprostol to cause an abortion can hemorrhage and will hesitate to go to a hospital for fear of prosecution. This is strange because international abortion proponents want to distribute Misoprostol to pregnant women in countries that lack the medical facilities to treat the bleeding they fear will kill women in Mexico. Which is it? Is Misoprostal safe to hand out to women who won't get treatment for hemorrhage, or is it dangerous?