Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Contraception Use Correlates with Repeat Abortion: Study

Remember when condoms and pills were touted as the answer to widespread abortion?

Results From the 3933 studies screened, 67 studies met the inclusion criteria; of these studies 46 were available in full texts. The included studies lacked homogeneity as there was a large variation in study methodology and the definition of repeat abortion. From these studies a number of themes became apparent such as socio-demographic, sexual behaviour, obstetric history and psychosocial factors. There are a number of associated factors with repeat abortion such as increased age, parity, marital status, use of contraception at the time of conception and previous history of abuse or adverse life events. Many studies show that either barrier or oral contraceptive methods were used at the time of conception; these women were also less likely to use long acting reversible contraception before or after an abortion.

The women did "what they were supposed to do."

Which was: "use contraception".

And they still got pregnant.

Contraception is a false assurance.

People may know that there's a failure rate.

But they don't act like there is one.

Or else they don't care whether or not they get an abortion.

If you believe that abortion is a greater evil than a pregnancy, you cannot rely on contraception with certainty. If you do, there will always be the temptation to abort if you get pregnant. That is the evil of contraception. That is why so many people who identify as pro-life have abortions. They think contraception will save them, that pregnancy will never happen to them, because the 1% is someone else. The "catastrophic" pregnancy will not happen to them. (If pregnancy would be "catastrophic" at this time in your life, you have no business having sex!)

The reality is that a woman who uses a contraceptive method with a 1% failure rate has a one third chance of experiencing an unforeseen pregnancy over the course of her reproductive lifetime.

And we all know that almost no one uses contraception that consistently.