Monday, November 13, 2006

CUPE dishonesty

CUPE is up to the old "Harper has a secret agenda" canard and is using dishonest tactics to promote it.

CUPE asks: what is Harper up to?

The clue is probably in the Harper government's program cuts announced in September.

Stephen Harper has cut or eliminated a number of government programs that, despite years of neglect at the hands of the Liberals have helped women, poor people, aboriginal people, lesbians and gays, and people with reading difficulties. Most Canadians support these programs' goals, but to read the Conservative blogosphere, these programs are to blame for everything from the decline of Western Civilization to venereal disease.

Interesting. He cites the "Conservative Blogosphere", but two of the three blogs cited-- mine and John Pacheco's So-Con or Bust are not members of the Blogging Tories.

It also has mean saying that the CCP is to blame for "everything". It's a vague statement, full of innuendo, that doesn't actually mean anything.

To say that John blames the CCP for the decline of Western Civilization is a bit much. What John is saying is that socially liberal forces are responsible for the decline of Western Civilization, and many would agree. The moral relativism and social laissez-faire attitude of the lib-left has certainly hurt the moral fibre of society. It's not social conservatives who have advocated and facilitated divorce, contraception (especially for unmarried adults and teens), extra-marital sex, homosexual behaviour, promiscuity, re-marriage, rejection of the natural law, and so forth.

We didn't do that.

We know that a major reason why society is in such poor shape is because of the breakdown of the family, because of the anything goes mentality that leads to single parenthood, lack of adult supervision of children, lack of parental authority and responsibility and so forth.

The CCP has facilitate that societal breakdown through its implementation of socially liberal policies. So yes, in that sense, it has contributed to the decline of Western Civlization.

As for citing Vek's Blog: I don't see the point of citing the main page of his blog, without an actual permalink. Oh well, maybe they're hoping the reader won't notice.

Harper is pulling together his people for the upcoming election fight. Social conservatives who need a terrestrial sign that he's doing their work, have had their prayers answered on Parliament Hill.

Again: the idea that social conservatives are the enemy, that NO ONE IN CANADA supports ANY social conservative measures.

Which is a load of crap.

Where was the outcry regarding the death of Court Challenges program?

From the social liberals who are engaged in social engineering: the people whose lives are entrenched in the social engineering system: those who work in government departments, government non-profits and unions.

The average person does not care. In fact, the average person realizes what these programs are all about: forcing a socially liberal agenda on the country before it has a chance to have a say on it.

If the people were so in favour of the Court Challenges program and what it does, why don't they just save themselves the trouble, vote NDP and they can get all the socially liberal measures they want? The answer is: the measures that are implemented by the CCP are not what they want.

Then the government funding for dissent would go to social conservatives, who, apparently, are not entitled to government-funded dissent because, well, they DISSENT from the government. The only dissent allowed to be funded in the minds of CUPE is "socially progressive" dissent, which the people didn't vote for, but which CUPE says the people really want, even though they didn't vote for it to begin with.

Utterly ridiculous.

It's about time people made social liberals understand that there are plenty of peopel in this country who have socially conservative or moderately social conservative views, and they're not ogres for being that way. I would venture to say that the majority of Canadians are that way. That is one reason why the NDP never makes government and never will. Because it's too socially liberal. The only solution it has to a social problem is a social program, and after 40 years of the Welfare State, people are beginning to see that's not always the best way of dealing with issues.