Thursday, January 04, 2007

NY Times may dump ombudsman

Lifesite is reporting that the New York Times is considering dumping its ombudsman, Byron Calame, over the abortion bias issue.

As you may know, the New York Times was caught in a major error. A few months back it had a story about illegal abortion in El Salavor and reported that a woman had been sentenced for 18 years for committing abortion. It turns out she had been convicted for strangling her newborn.

Lifesite writes:

The first recorded mention of the intention to axe the position was raised at a December 15 New York Times meeting where Times' executive editor Bill Keller raised the idea. That meeting was held about a week after Calame began asking very uncomfortable questions of senior editors at the Times, and receiving in response terse replies rejecting his warnings that the NYT magazine had been caught in a serious error which deserved correction.


Soon after these exchanges the December 15 meeting occurred where the intent to eliminate the public editor position was raised. In his December 31 publication of the article exposing the NYT magazine story errors, Calame concludes, "One thing is clear to me, at this point, about the key example of Carmen Climaco. Accuracy and fairness were not pursued with the vigor Times readers have a right to expect."

No surprises there.