Thursday, February 08, 2007

Answering Planned Parenthood #5: On accepting consequences

Part 5 of the series Answering Planned Parenthood.

To re-cap: I have been devoting posts to refuting a Planned Parenthood tract.

Pro-life: She had her fun, now let her pay for it. If you have sex, you should expect to get pregnant and pay the consequences.

Planned Parenthood: This vindictive, self-righteous attitude stems from a belief that sex is bad and must be punished. Motherhood should never be punishment for having sex. Forcing a child to be born to punish its mother is the ultimate child abuse.

I don't like the phrasing of the pro-life statement. Accepting the consequences of one's actions is not the same as punishment.

It's not vindictive or self-righteous to make people own up to their behaviour. The situation is: this woman has created a new human life. That is a fact. She has a responsibility towards that new human life. Abortion seeks to escape that fact, that responsibility. The abortion ideology insists that a woman is only accountable to herself on the creation of this new human being, never to the father, never to the community and certainly never to God.

If the womans behaves promiscuously and recklessly sleeps around, she is not accountable. If she engages in prostitution, she is not accountable. If she could raise that child, she is not accountable.

No, motherhood should never be a punishment for having sex. Motherhood is a blessing. The unborn child is a blessing, not something that should be destroyed. That's another thing they do not acknowledge.

It's ironic Planned Parenthood calls "forcing a child to be born" the ultimate child abuse. Forcing a child to be born is good for the child; allowing the parent to force the child to die is child abuse.