Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Frances Kissling is retiring. Yawn.

Bettnet is reporting:

Frances Kissling, founder of the pro-abortion Catholics for a Free Choice, an organization composed of basically a few people supported by some very big foundations, is retiring. Kissling has waged a one-woman war to advance the proposition that it is acceptable for Catholics to dissent from the Church’s teachings on abortion, contraception, sexual moral ethics, and other fundamental matters. She has worked to have the United Nations strip the Holy See of its observer status and has orchestrated worldwide advertising campaigns blaming the Church’s bishops for millions of AIDS deaths through the tortuous logic that the Church’s call to abstinence somehow forces fornicators not to use condoms but to fornicate anyway.

Good riddance to Kissling, but don’t let down your guard: There are plenty of others willing to step into her shoes.

Lemme see: 37 years of pro-abortion advocacy and she wasn't excommunicated at all???

Is that okay with the Catholic Hierarchy?

What is wrong with you people???

How can this woman parade around, claiming to represent "Catholics for a Free Choice" and no bishops ever slammed her with an excommunication notice?

Did any priest ever refuse Communion to her?

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