Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Emilio Gonzalez remains on Life Support

A judge in Austin Tuesday granted a family's request to keep a critically ill 17-month-old boy alive -- at least until later this month.

The judge ruled the infant should not be removed from life-support -- as scheduled this week by Children's Hospital of Austin.

The judge granted a temporary restraining order sought by the family of Emilio Gonzales. A hearing is April 19.

Catarina Gonzales says she believes they'll find another hospital for her son.

Children's Hospital of Austin, which has said the case is medically futile, has contacted more than 30 hospitals trying to place him.

Emilio is believed to have Leigh's disease. Doctors say his higher order brain functions are destroyed and he's non-responsive.

Children's Hospital has invoked a state law that allows hospitals to end such life-sustaining treatment -- with 10 days notice to the family.

The Legislature is considering changing the law.

I bleepin' hope so!!!


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