Thursday, May 17, 2007

Fourth-graders punished by writing about fellatio

A translation of the main details of these two articles (here and here).

The principle of L'Odysée, an elementary school in Sainte-Catherine, on the south side of Montreal, forced children to write a text on fellatio as a punishment.

Principal Andrée Lessard wanted to discipline some children who had accused another student of engaging in oral sex.

The principal asked four boys to explain in ten lines or so what fellatio was. Scandalized, the parents of the boys refused that they do the work.

Mme. Lessard directed questions about the issue to the schoolboard, la Commission Scolaire des Grandes-Seigneuries. The spokesperson for the schoolboard, Anne Deschamps, said that she was not in a position to take a stance on the punishment.

In the end, the principal met with the parents and accepted a paper on appropriate language in school, said Mme. Deschamps.

A step-father of one of the boys said "I find it aberrant to ask a child what fellatio is. In my opinion, it's too soon to ask that question."

In an interview with the Journal de Montreal, the boy said that he was "shy" about writing such a paper.

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