Monday, March 17, 2008


Please stop Troy Davis's execution. CLICK HERE.. Most of the witnesses who helped convict him have retracted their statements.

From Amnesty International:

Today's stunning decision by the Georgia Supreme Court to let the death sentence stand in the Troy Anthony Davis case means that the state of Georgia might execute a man who well may be innocent.

Take action now and tell the Georgia Board of Pardon and Paroles to commute the death sentence for Troy Anthony Davis.

With this decision, the Supreme Court is demonstrating a blatant disregard for justice and turning its back on the fundamental flaws that taint Mr. Davis's case at every level.

Tell the Georgia Board of Pardon and Paroles to commute the death sentence for Troy Anthony Davis.

Over 60,000 supporters signed petitions on Troy's behalf, and letters of support continue to pour into his mailbox. "I want to thank all Amnesty supporters," he said, "I want to thank everyone all over the world who have been praying for me, supporting me, writing letters and signing petitions on my behalf." Troy needs your continued support today, now more than ever.

Troy Davis was convicted of the murder of Savannah police officer Mark MacPhail in 1991. No murder weapon was found and no physical evidence linked Davis to the crime. Since his conviction, seven out of nine original witnesses have either recanted or changed their testimony. Officer MacPhail's life was cut tragically short, and his family and the people of Georgia also deserve true justice. However, this will not be accomplished by executing a man with such strong claims of innocence.

Take action now: help rescue a possibly innocent man from paying the ultimate price.

In light of today's Supreme Court decision, we ask that you call on the Georgia Board of Pardon and Paroles to commute Mr. Davis' death sentence. Executing Troy Anthony Davis would be an irrevocable error that would haunt the conscience of the state of Georgia forever.

In Solidarity,

Sue Gunawardena-Vaughn
Director, Death Penalty Abolition Campaign
Amnesty International USA

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