Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some So-Cons are not happy with Stephen Harper

In the wake of Stephen Harper's promise to stop any Conservative MP from presenting a fetal rights bill, many so-cons are fairly angry.

Just a sample of the reaction:

island breezes:

That's it for me folks. Stephen Harper is now officially PART OF THE CULTURE OF DEATH. By his own lips, he could care less that 1/3 of the babies conceived this year IN CANADA will be murdered at the expense of the CANADIAN taxpayer. It is not a subject worthy of his consideration. Worse than that, he supports abortion. He has vowed to 'NOT PERMIT' a 're-opening' of the debate on abortion restrictions. There HAS NEVER BEEN A DEBATE ON ABORTION RESTRICTIONS.


The legal protection of innocent human life is the sine qua non of political activity: without it the rest of the law makes little sense. Given this priority, I cannot vote for a candidate or party that refuse to uphold this most basic of human rights. Alas, there are no alternatives in my riding.

So for the first time in my adult life, I will probably end up spoiling my ballot. The borderline CHP doesn't have a candidate in this riding and the independents aren't pro-life. Anyone want to start a party?

The Black Kettle:

If you are conservative don't vote Conservative

Brigitte Pellerin at ProWomanProLife (not a pro-lifer per se, but rather conservative on the issue)

What’s next? Promoting abortion?

Her co-blogger Andrea chimes is:

Ah, freedom of speech, apparently such a tenuous concept that even the party that was supposed to not be like the Liberals is, well, just like the Liberals.

One of the first rules of politics is to tend to your base.

I think pro-lifers could have settled for Harper not wanting his government to re-open the debate.

When he promises that no one in his government will re-open the debate, that they bring up issues important to them, as far as I'm concerned, that's being just like the Liberals.

Heck, why vote for a pro-life Conservative if he will be punished for bringing forth the issue?

I might as well vote for a Liberal. Why vote Liberal-lite when you can have the real thing?