Saturday, October 24, 2009

More Bureaucratic Garbage from the Bishops on D & P

The Bishops' reaction to the problem of Development and Peace is so NDP:

Strike a committee!

The Bishops said the recent Encyclical by Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate, provides light for helping review the mandate and operations of Development and Peace. In their statement, the Bishops also said they “have decided to establish an ad hoc committee which will collaborate with Development and Peace in this work of revision and in implementing the recommendations this past June of the CCCB Committee of Inquiry.”


The new ad hoc committee will be asked to clarify the role of the Bishops in the governance structures of CCODP, as well as give special attention both to the oversight by Development and Peace of its partners and projects, and how it is strengthening links with Bishops in those countries where it is present. The committee is to report to the 2010 CCCB Plenary Assembly on CCODP progress on these issues, which will allow the Bishops of Canada “to decide on future actions.”

Who the heck is in charge over there?

Is everything decided by committee?

It's like a government bureaucracy. Lots of meetings and report-writing to avoid having to deal with the problem.

There's a reason why God selected a monarchical structure of power in the Church.

Because it's easier that way to get things done.