Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can someone tell this nun to shut up?

HINSDALE, IL, December 10, 2009 ( - Sr. Donna Quinn of the Sinsinawa Dominican community, already notorious for volunteering as a clinic escort at a local abortion facility, has now come in out praise of the failure of the Nelson/Hatch/Casey amendment in the Senate, which would have restricted federal abortion funding. In addition, Quinn has described the Virgin Mary as "one of the first women in the New Testament to express Choice."


She furthermore noted the date of the amendment's defeat, the Catholic feast of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, as propitious. "I was reminded of being with men and women from the Unitarian faith tradition last year," Quinn said, "as they celebrated Mary who by her assent, they believed, was one of the first women in the New Testament to express choice."


Feast of the Immaculate Conception?

Did it not occur to her that the Feast is about one of the most pro-life feasts out there, as it underscores the personhood of Mary from conception?

Why, why, why is this allowed in the Church? How is this woman allowed to express support for the legalized killing of innocents?

"Faithful and respectful dissent is vital to the life of the church,"

She obviously fails to understand the point of the Catholic Church, which is to seek and defend eternal and immutable truths.


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