Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Founder of Canadians for Choice being sued for fraudulent practices

OTTAWA - Two families have asked the Superior Court of Justice to order DNA testing of a celebrated Ottawa fertility specialist to determine whether his sperm was used to create their children.

Dr. Norman Barwin and the clinic he founded, the Broadview Fertility Clinic, have been named in two unusual lawsuits.


Barwin, the former president of Planned Parenthood Canada, was named to the Order of Canada in 1997 for his contributions to women's reproductive health.

NOTE: He is also founder of Canadians for Choice. Dollars to doughnuts says he's done a few abortions in his lifetime.

Anybody taking bets on whether he will be deprived of his Order, if convicted? I suspect he won't, given that he's a pro-abort stalwart.

That 2001 profile of the doctor revealed that he had failed to pass the exams required to become a certified gynecologist in Canada, despite holding a PhD in women's medicine from Queen's University in Northern Ireland. Barwin said he never took the time to study for the exams.

Barwin is licensed to practice medicine in Ontario as a general practitioner with a special interest in women's health.

It's interesting because the Canadians for Choice website says that he's a professor of OB\GYN at Ottawa U. Hmmm.......

Now, maybe the university accepted him as a professor based on his UK degree. But he couldn't pass the exam???

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