Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ottawa Pro-Abort Norman Barwin Cheated at Ottawa Marathon

The man being sued by two different families for having inseminated the women with the wrong sperm, and who is suspected of having used his own sperm, was caught cheating at the Ottawa Marathon, according to a Lifesite report in 2002:

OTTAWA, November 18, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Dr. Norman Barwin, a celebrated Canadian abortion-promoter who has received the Order of Canada for his contribution to "women's reproductive health" and has a Planned Parenthood of Canada scholarship named in his honour, has been caught cheating in a marathon for the second time. The Ottawa Citizen reports that Barwin was caught cheating in the May 2001 National Capital Marathon when he placed first in his age category 60-64 - with the help of a car.

It was not the first time Barwin was caught cheating in a marathon. In the 2000 Boston Marathon Barwin was caught in similar circumstances. The race authorities caught him by checking the computer chip given all racers to see if he passed all checkpoints. When interviewed by the Citizen, Barwin first denied any wrongdoing suggesting his chip was faulty. However, he later changed his story saying he dropped out of the race because he had a hernia and joined in at the end for the "high of coming in."

Barwin, the former head of Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada, told the Citizen, "It was quite out of character, I promise you." However, Frank Mountain, President of Campaign Life Coalition Ottawa told LifeSite that it was very much in Barwin's character to lie and cheat. "When Mr. Barwin broke the moral code by supporting and promoting the killing of the unborn child by abortion, then cheating at marathons is just a piece of cake."

There appears to be a pattern of dishonesty here.

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