Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Christmas songs that don't suck

One of my pet peeves at Christmas time is horrible versions of Christmas songs.

I get very annoyed because I don't think traditional Christmas songs need to be jazzed up. They just have to be sung according to the traditional tune, without added scats, jazzed up notes, made up words or, even worse, electronic drum beats.

My philosophy is: just sing the song!

So I've used my blip account to search out Christmas songs that don't suck so that we can play them around the house. And I thought I'd share them with you. They're on my sidebar underneath the facebook badge. If you click on the "play" link, a new window will open. You need a account to listen, but the sign up is fast and free.

You might notice that at the time of posting there are still a few secular songs at the bottom of the list. As I add more Christmas classics to my blip account, they will fall off.

I'm trying to find good versions of religious songs. Those are really hard to find.

So enjoy.