Monday, March 07, 2011

Why I am not a feminist

Tasha Kheiriddin: Feminism’s second-wave hangover:

The status of Western women today is still at odds with our aspirations, but in a different way. Instead of being liberated to do what we want, women now are not only free — but expected — to do everything, want it or not. Bring home the bacon, fry it up, drive the kids to soccer, and clean the house. We have become the harried Econowives of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale — or, increasingly, econo single mothers. At the same time, fewer women are having children, some by choice, but more by failure to find a mate, or to mate in time.

Ironically, feminism was originally all about choices, the lynchpin of which was the choice for women with children to work outside the home. Today, however, feminists paint this decision as mandatory, and children as optional.

Feminism has never really been about choices, and it can't be.

Because if women did what they really wanted, they wouldn't accomplish the feminist goal of feminist (not female!) supremacy.

If women decided en masse to stay home and take care of the kids (which is what they want to do), do you think they'd be terribly sympathetic to universal childcare, unions, the glass ceiling or a host of other feminist issues?


When people leave university and enter the real world, they find out what a load of bunk most left-wing thinking is.