Monday, May 16, 2011

Ontario school library staffing down: report

What did we do before the advent of teacher-librarians?
Staffing at school libraries across the province is declining, a trend that could affect children's ability to think critically about information, according to a report released by an education advocacy group.

The report by the group People for Education found 56 per cent of Ontario elementary schools in 2010 have at least one full- or part-time teacher-librarian, an accredited teacher who has library training. That's down from 80 per cent in the 1997/1998 school year, according to the report, which was released Monday morning.

How oh how will the children ever learn critical thinking skills without the librarian?

I remember our librarian in high school. I don't ever remember her ever helping me with "critical thinking skills."

And who funds this People for Education?

The Atkinson Charitable Foundation
Canadian Auto Workers
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
The Ontario Ministry of Education
TD Financial
The Ontario Trillium Foundation
RBC Financial
Teow Family Foundation at the Toronto Community Foundation.

This made me laugh:

We are not affiliated with any political party or union and include parents from across the political spectrum.

Do you really suppose the Canadian Auto Workers would really fund a group that did not help attain socialist principles?