Thursday, June 16, 2011

Christian Heritage Party moves to establish provincial wings

And I am not happy.

I never wanted to join a party with a religious litmus test.

In the last provincial election, the FCP had two Muslim candidates, at least one non-religious candidate, and possibly candidates of other religious persuasions.

My goal in joining the FCP was to work with anyone who was pro-life and pro-family, whatever their personal theology.

There was always a tacit agreement that the CHP and the FCP would never move in on each other's turf. It appears that this agreement has been pushed aside.

I do not want my party swallowed up in the CHP fold. Please don't get me wrong: I like Jim Hnatiuk and many CHP members. They are good people. I support what they do. I just don't support the idea of a party based on one religion.

I have always supported the idea of Natural Law. Natural Law is open to people of all religions and none. When you make religion the litmus test, when you make the Bible the final authority, you turn off anyone who might not be of that particular religious persuasion from listening.

I do not see anything changing between now and the provincial elections. But that does not mean nothing can change afterwards.