Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Struggling with homosexuality

Steve Gershom is a Catholic man dealing with same-sex attraction.

He writes:

Talking to Fr. T helped me learn that I could talk to other people, too. In college I learned to let down my guard a little bit, and opened up to a roommate about feeling lonely. I opened up to a couple of friends about my SSA, and then to my older brother. Eventually I was able to open up to the rest of my family.

The more you open up, the easier it is. The more times you experience the compassion and love of friends and family, the more possible it becomes to believe that there’s nothing inside you so shameful that someone won’t understand. Eventually you stop thinking about it as shameful at all.

You start to see yourself as your friends see you, and as God sees you: wounded and struggling, yes, but always beautiful, always worthwhile.

That's exactly how I view same-sex attraction, and that's how I think the majority of faithful Catholics view it.

I think there are a certain number of gay ideologues who want to believe that everyone who is opposed to homosexual behaviour view them as lowlifes.

There's a certain need to believe that they are despised for their inclinations. It fuels their victimhood and by extension their activism.

If they allowed that people oppose homosexual behaviour but didn't think of them as lowlifes, then it might lend credibility to the notion that homosexual behvaiour is wrong. Or at least, it could diminishes the stigma of that belief.

But the truth is, most faithful Catholics, especially younger ones, aren't particularly repulsed by homosexual attraction, per se.

It is considered one struggle among an infinite number of struggles that we all have.

And so admitting to same-sex attraction is likely to attract sympathy, not hostility.

However, I don't think this will be widely acknowledged. Too politically incorrect