Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Justin Trudeau upset over questioning of adherence to Catholic faith

I feel a little sorry for him.

Trudeau père had the benefit of a top-notch Catholic education.

The same cannot be said for Trudeau fils.

"For someone to start questioning my own faith and accusing me of being a bad Catholic, is something that I really take issue with. My own personal faith is an extremely important part of who I am and the values that I try to lead with."

Trudeau added that neither he nor his father saw any incongruity between enshrining the rights of gays and lesbians, for example, and the tenets of Catholicism. He notes that he is personally very opposed to abortion, but still believes nobody can tell a woman what she should do with her body.

But then, a Catholic has the duty to stand up for the poor and oppressed, Justin. The unborn are the poor and oppressed. They are as much entitled to rights as anyone else, certain the right to the care of their parents, and the right not to be killed.

I hope we continue this conversation. Trudeau is one guy we really need to set straight. Trudeau père is dead and has gone to his reward. We cannot hope to convert him. But should we convert Trudeau fils, that would be the next best thing.