Wednesday, September 26, 2012

40 Days for Life Ottawa Kick-Off Rally (with video of Linda Gibbons)

40 Days for Life was launched yesterday in Ottawa and it was a very sober and prayerful event. I estimate that there were about 200 people in attendance.

Paul Lauzon
It was MC'ed by long-time pro-life activist Paul Lauzon. He reminded us of the importance of remaining prayerful during the vigil, and not to look at the abortion clients as they walk in. Our presence is enough. Let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

Marcel Dion

Marcel Dion of Magnificat Ministries led us in song. He helped us sing (in harmony!) a version Veni Sancti Spiritus, plus a number of psalms.

Maureen Ward

I met fellow blogger and pro-life activist Maureen Ward, who filmed the event. Also at the event was email lister Barb McAdorey.

Jennifer Snell

Jennifer Snell is the parish co-ordinator. She reports that so far, 22 groups have signed up to help fill the slots at 40 Days. What about your parish or group? Call Campaign Life at 613-729-0379 if you want to register your parish. If you want to sign up on your own, check the calendar, and then fill out the form (scroll down).

Deacon Charles Fink
Deacon Charles Fink spoke about the Proclamation of the Word which will take place everyday from 11 am to 1 pm. He says that where the Word of God is, God is also there. If you would like to participate, you should bring your own Bible, and you may proclaim the Word in any language you wish. More registration info.

I saw Leon Benoit make an appearance at 40 Days and I was told that MP Lawrence MacAulay dropped by, and that 5 or 6 MP's in total made an appearance

The highlight of the rally was a speech by Linda Gibbons: