Saturday, August 03, 2013

Please Donate to Aid to Women in Toronto

Toronto pregnancy centre needs help to move to street level beside abortion facility

The business immediately below them, with its two huge storefront windows, closed its doors this spring. The landlord has offered the space to the pro-life organization if they can afford the rent.

Rattenni said their work has been impeded because the abortuary is surrounded by a bubble zone. Once women cross the line as they head to the abortuary, sidewalk counsellors can no longer speak to the women or hand them any kind of material. If Aid to Women moves down a floor, it will be able to hang its large pro-life signs and life-affirming information in the large storefront windows.

Vivid attention-grabbing pro-life material in the storefront windows would be a last-ditch effort to reach out to abortion-vulnerable women.


The centre is appealing to the pro-life community to see if anyone would like to share space in the building with them.

The centre is also asking the pro-life community to “pitch in together” to help raise the funds needed to rent on the street level in the long term.

Dear Pro-Life Readers:

Please give to this campaign.

Often we give our money never knowing if this will amount to anything.

This will definitely help.

And if you're a blogger, I strongly encourage you to post their request for help. 

Editor’s note: To financially help Aid to Women, please mail a cheque or a monthly financial gift to: Aid to Women, 300 Gerrard St. E., Toronto ON M5A 2G7, or donate through