Saturday, August 03, 2013

Sidewalk Counseling Saves Lives: Baby Saved in UK

Anti-abortion campaigners save baby from termination.
"She took some leaflets, but when I showed her the little feet pin she started to cry. We talked together for a while. We asked her what help she needed to keep the baby, said that whatever it was, we could provide it - God has never let us down!," explains Peachy.

She and Attwood then went with the woman to a nearby café where they could talk more about her options.

"She was afraid. Her husband was afraid," Peachy said. "She was a Catholic who believed in God. She wanted to have an early abortion because she thought it wasn't really a baby yet."

Attwood added: "After our conversation with her she was adamant she would keep the baby no matter what anybody said.

Watch feminists spin this as "bullying".