Monday, June 11, 2007

Amateurs are killing the porn industry

ABC News reports that free porn is threatening the pornography industry.

I hope this means the eventual implosion of this evil. Well, in fact, I'm sure they will think of other ways to peddle smut, but any bad news for the porn industry is good news for the morals of the nation.

Why post a picture of Our Lady? You ask.

Because inevitably, perverts will google "free porn" in search of their fix and probably fall upon this blog. It happens for non-porn related posts on my blog, so I don't see why this wouldn't happen on porn-related ones.

If this is the case for you, know that you can change your life. Praying the rosary is an effective way of reclaiming your sexual integrity (in conjuction with other methods-- it's not a matter of prayer alone). If nothing else, it gives your hands something to do.

You can download a rosary program at Virtual Rosary. Leave a prayer request.

You know it's all a lie and all very empty. Take charge of your life.

H/T: Captain's Quarters.

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