Sunday, February 12, 2012

The association of television and radio with reproductive behavior.

From an abstract:

This note analyzes the association between media exposure and reproductive behavior in 48 developing countries. A summary of part of a more extensive Demographic and Health Surveys report, it shows strong connections between media exposure and the use of modern contraception, the number of children desired, and recent fertility. Television viewing is particularly important; it is assumed to expose viewers to aspects of modern life that compete with traditional attitudes toward the family and is associated with greater use of modern contraceptive methods, with a desire for fewer children, and with lower fertility. These relationships are particularly noteworthy because the data measure only the frequency of media exposure with no information about its content.

Just a thought:

You never see any couples who DON'T use contraception on television.

It's just assumed that if you're having a sexual relationship, you're using it.

Pro-lifers might want to explore creating their own content in order to change that. Because that's how you change people's hearts: by changing the cultural narrative.

Popul Dev Rev. 2011;37(4):749-59.
The association of television and radio with reproductive behavior.
Westoff CF, Koffman DA.